Monday, April 21, 2014

Vulnerable Road User Proposal Passes Unanimously in State Transportation Committee

I've been a little focused on other things lately and just never really got this site off the ground. But, I've been thinking how easy it should be to document my little bike adventures and the process of Darren and Nova building a bike and all this craziness in the city about Decobike failing and bike infrastructure holds and pushes. So I won't get ahead of myself, but this just came through in email from the California Bicycle Coalition and it's a good place to restart with my posts. Tonight we had a big step forward for the Vulnerable Road user bill you have supported. AB 2398 (unofficially) unanimously passed the Transportation Committee 11-0. Because of you. Thank you for taking action. We have redirected the petition to also send to Senator Mark DeSaulnier and the Governor - which is where the bill could get dicey. As Gov. Brown proved with the Three Feet for Safety Act by putting it off for six years, he does not want new laws to enforce. We need to show him that protecting all road users is vital for the health and safety of all California communities. Share our petition with a friend with this URL: chn.ge/1i9Km07. Be sure to tag us in any social media post and use the hashtag #bikeCA! Finally, we can only have victories like this because of the support of our members. Join, renew, or donate today to help us be an even stronger force enabling more people to bicycle for the health, safety, and prosperity of all Californians. Thanks again for your support, Ryan Price California Bicycle Coalition

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