Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Bike To Work Day 2017 Set For May 18

Bike to Work Day 2017 will take place Thursday, May 18. Mark your calendar so you can join thousands of commuters throughout the San Diego region as we GO by BIKE. Interested in hosting an official Bike to Work Day pit stop? iCommute will start accepting applications on March 1. Pit stops are a great way for organizations to get involved in Bike to Work Day by offering fun breaks for new and experienced bike riders to rest and pick up free t-shirts and snacks (provided by SANDAG), and free encouragement (provided by you)! For more information, visit the iCommute Bike Month web page.

(Source: SANDAG)

SANDAG: SR 15 Commuter Bikeway Update

It's been awhile, but there's lots of bike stuff happening, so just posting to share.

From SANDAG: On Monday, February 27, construction crews closed the sidewalk on the north side of Adams Avenue between the SR 15 on-ramp and Bonnie Court. The closure is needed to accommodate electrical utility line improvements on Adams Avenue. People walking will be detoured to the south side of Adams Avenue. The sidewalk on the north side of Adams Avenue will reopen when the bikeway opens in mid-2017. Your patience is appreciated during construction.